Flight TRF9154


  • Submitted By: Michele De Ponte
  • Departure Airport: Ninoy Aquino International Airport (RPLL)
  • Arrival Airport: Sydney International Airport (YSSY)
  • Aircraft: B777-200 (EI-DBK)
  • Flight Time: 07.20.41
  • Date Submitted: 23/03/2014
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(267 load / € 280.00 per unit
€ 74,760.00
Fuel Cost:
(43504 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 47,854.40
Flight Details


  • Log Data: SID RPLL/06 CON2A - STAR YSSY/25 BOREE4 /// ALTN YSCB/35 MARUB3 WOL W10 EXETA V169 BUNGO BUNG9B /// FL380-400 /// M 0.84
  • Network: OFFLINE
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[14:05] - PMDG 777-243LR Alitalia (Fictional)
[14:05] - Flight TRF9154 is ready to depart RPLL with a final destination of YSSY.
[14:05] - Parking Brake Applied
[14:05] - Flaps to position 2
[14:05] - Boarding
[14:05] - Parking Brake Released
[14:05] - Flaps to position 1
[14:05] - Pushing Back from the gate
[14:05] - Flaps to position 0
[14:05] - Parking Brake Applied
[14:06] - Parking Brake Released
[14:06] - Flaps to position 1
[14:07] - Flaps to position 2
[14:08] - Spoilers ON 17ft, hdg 242 and 0kts
[14:09] - Spoilers OFF 17ft, hdg 244 and 1kts
[14:09] - Taxiing to Runway
[14:12] - Taking Off with 267 passengers on board
[14:12] - Take off at 167kts, with a pitch of 8deg and 54539kgs of fuel on board
[14:12] - Wind Heading 135 | Wind Speed 10kts | Temperature 28 deg C
[14:12] - Climbing to TOC
[14:13] - Gear up at 1385AGL
[14:13] - Spoilers ON 3382ft, hdg 63 and 201kts
[14:13] - Flaps to position 1 at 3753ft and 216kts
[14:13] - Spoilers OFF 3770ft, hdg 62 and 200kts
[14:13] - Spoilers ON 3885ft, hdg 59 and 200kts
[14:13] - Spoilers OFF 4439ft, hdg 57 and 231kts
[14:13] - Flaps to position 0 at 4649ft and 265kts
[14:14] - Spoilers ON 5620ft, hdg 108 and 265kts
[14:14] - Spoilers OFF 5952ft, hdg 112 and 262kts
[14:14] - Spoilers ON 6253ft, hdg 117 and 259kts
[14:14] - Spoilers OFF 6391ft, hdg 120 and 258kts
[14:14] - Spoilers ON 7956ft, hdg 151 and 249kts
[14:14] - Spoilers OFF 8019ft, hdg 152 and 249kts
[14:14] - Spoilers ON 8035ft, hdg 152 and 249kts
[14:14] - Spoilers OFF 8655ft, hdg 156 and 249kts
[14:14] - Spoilers ON 8809ft, hdg 160 and 250kts
[14:14] - Spoilers OFF 9098ft, hdg 171 and 251kts
[14:15] - Spoilers ON 9702ft, hdg 181 and 253kts
[14:15] - Spoilers OFF 10325ft, hdg 182 and 253kts
[14:15] - Spoilers ON 10397ft, hdg 182 and 254kts
[14:15] - Spoilers OFF 10414ft, hdg 182 and 255kts
[14:16] - Spoilers ON 13081ft, hdg 181 and 301kts
[14:16] - Spoilers OFF 13298ft, hdg 184 and 303kts
[14:16] - Spoilers ON 13567ft, hdg 184 and 305kts
[14:16] - Spoilers OFF 14571ft, hdg 158 and 310kts
[14:16] - Spoilers ON 16401ft, hdg 128 and 312kts
[14:17] - Spoilers OFF 17533ft, hdg 141 and 312kts
[14:17] - Spoilers ON 18114ft, hdg 152 and 312kts
[14:17] - Spoilers OFF 19249ft, hdg 150 and 311kts
[14:25] - TOC reached
[14:25] - Cruise started
[15:20] - Spoilers ON 37901ft, hdg 149 and 282kts
[15:20] - Spoilers OFF 37920ft, hdg 147 and 285kts
[20:55] - Spoilers ON 39101ft, hdg 139 and 264kts
[20:55] - Spoilers OFF 39035ft, hdg 134 and 263kts
[20:57] - TOD reached
[20:57] - Descending to destination
[21:07] - Spoilers ON 16772ft, hdg 162 and 317kts
[21:07] - Spoilers OFF 15941ft, hdg 176 and 316kts
[21:08] - Spoilers ON 14648ft, hdg 136 and 316kts
[21:08] - Spoilers OFF 14285ft, hdg 125 and 317kts
[21:08] - Spoilers ON 14305ft, hdg 130 and 320kts
[21:08] - Spoilers OFF 14170ft, hdg 132 and 321kts
[21:09] - Spoilers ON 13311ft, hdg 120 and 321kts
[21:09] - Spoilers OFF 12742ft, hdg 109 and 318kts
[21:09] - Spoilers ON 12484ft, hdg 112 and 318kts
[21:10] - Spoilers OFF 11093ft, hdg 132 and 265kts
[21:10] - Spoilers ON 10535ft, hdg 152 and 266kts
[21:10] - Spoilers OFF 10453ft, hdg 159 and 265kts
[21:12] - Spoilers ON 9409ft, hdg 159 and 259kts
[21:14] - Spoilers OFF 5105ft, hdg 344 and 207kts
[21:14] - Spoilers ON 5003ft, hdg 313 and 196kts
[21:14] - Landing Shortly
[21:14] - Spoilers OFF 4977ft, hdg 320 and 191kts
[21:14] - Flaps to position 1 at 4951ft and 208kts
[21:15] - Spoilers ON 4843ft, hdg 323 and 205kts
[21:15] - Spoilers OFF 4790ft, hdg 323 and 198kts
[21:15] - Flaps to position 2 at 4724ft and 210kts
[21:16] - Spoilers ON 4659ft, hdg 320 and 184kts
[21:16] - Spoilers OFF 4577ft, hdg 284 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers ON 4521ft, hdg 277 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers OFF 4518ft, hdg 277 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers ON 4514ft, hdg 276 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers OFF 4511ft, hdg 276 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers ON 4508ft, hdg 275 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers OFF 4501ft, hdg 274 and 180kts
[21:16] - Spoilers ON 4160ft, hdg 249 and 176kts
[21:18] - Flaps to position 3 at 2621ft and 170kts
[21:18] - Gear down at 2490AGL
[21:18] - Flaps to position 4 at 2185ft and 145kts
[21:18] - Spoilers OFF 2073ft, hdg 234 and 137kts
[21:19] - Flaps to position 5 at 1572ft and 143kts
[21:19] - Flaps to position 6 at 1506ft and 141kts
[21:22] - Landed at 48 kias, at -410fpm. With 11707kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of -1deg.
[21:22] - Wind Heading 200 | Wind Speed 15kts | Temperature 21 deg C
[21:22] - Spoilers ON 13ft, hdg 263 and 48kts
[21:22] - Taxiing to Gate
[21:22] - Spoilers OFF 13ft, hdg 303 and 1kts
[21:22] - Flaps to position 5
[21:22] - Flaps to position 4
[21:23] - Flaps to position 3
[21:23] - Flaps to position 2
[21:23] - Flaps to position 1
[21:23] - Flaps to position 0
[21:27] - Parking Brake Applied
[21:27] - Arrived safely at YSSY. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[21:29] - Spoilers ON 13ft, hdg 62 and 0kts
[21:29] - Spoilers OFF 13ft, hdg 62 and 0kts
[21:32] - PMDG 777-243LR Alitalia (Fictional)
[21:32] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[21:32] - ver


Commenter Comment
Michele De Ponte Landed at 48 kias...Strano.. non poteva mancare un bug!!! Atterraggio 134kias di sicuro!
Route Map