Flight AZ10275


  • Submitted By: Michele De Ponte
  • Departure Airport: Torino / Caselle (LIMF)
  • Arrival Airport: Leonardo da Vinci (LIRF)
  • Aircraft: B777-200 (EI-DBK)
  • Flight Time: 01.05.41
  • Date Submitted: 03/12/2015
  • Route: LAGEN UL50 ELB UL146 ELKAP
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(281 load / € 560.00 per unit
€ 157,360.00
Fuel Cost:
(5972.9 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 6,570.19
Flight Details


  • Log Data: -
  • Network: -
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[08:56] - PMDG 777-243LR Alitalia (Fictional)
[08:56] - Flight AZ10275 is ready to depart LIMF with a final destination of LIRF.
[08:56] - Parking Brake Applied
[08:56] - Boarding
[08:59] - Parking Brake Released
[09:02] - Flaps to position 1
[09:02] - Flaps to position 2
[09:03] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:03] - Parking Brake Released
[09:03] - Taxiing to Runway
[09:05] - Taking Off with 281 passengers on board
[09:05] - Take off at 157kts, with a pitch of 7deg and 16644kgs of fuel on board
[09:05] - Wind Heading 280 | Wind Speed 3kts | Temperature 1 deg C
[09:05] - Climbing to TOC
[09:06] - Gear up at 2165AGL
[09:06] - Spoilers ON 3789ft, hdg 3 and 188kts
[09:06] - Spoilers OFF 3822ft, hdg 4 and 189kts
[09:06] - Flaps to position 1 at 5121ft and 210kts
[09:06] - Spoilers ON 4502ft, hdg 11 and 218kts
[09:06] - Spoilers OFF 4832ft, hdg 19 and 221kts
[09:06] - Spoilers ON 5256ft, hdg 13 and 220kts
[09:06] - Flaps to position 0 at 7283ft and 241kts
[09:06] - Spoilers OFF 6493ft, hdg 327 and 223kts
[09:08] - Spoilers ON 12900ft, hdg 168 and 285kts
[09:08] - Spoilers OFF 13829ft, hdg 143 and 296kts
[09:15] - TOC reached
[09:15] - Cruise started
[09:16] - Spoilers ON 34177ft, hdg 146 and 297kts
[09:16] - Spoilers OFF 34341ft, hdg 139 and 297kts
[09:29] - TOD reached
[09:29] - Descending to destination
[09:32] - Spoilers ON 27264ft, hdg 136 and 303kts
[09:32] - Spoilers OFF 27047ft, hdg 124 and 302kts
[09:37] - Spoilers ON 17011ft, hdg 121 and 312kts
[09:37] - Spoilers OFF 16430ft, hdg 121 and 296kts
[09:40] - Spoilers ON 11368ft, hdg 123 and 278kts
[09:41] - Spoilers OFF 10991ft, hdg 121 and 236kts
[09:43] - Spoilers ON 8727ft, hdg 131 and 231kts
[09:43] - Spoilers OFF 8488ft, hdg 130 and 219kts
[09:44] - Spoilers ON 6877ft, hdg 130 and 217kts
[09:44] - Flaps to position 1 at 7789ft and 227kts
[09:45] - Spoilers OFF 6037ft, hdg 97 and 183kts
[09:45] - Spoilers ON 5768ft, hdg 94 and 185kts
[09:45] - Flaps to position 2 at 6266ft and 204kts
[09:46] - Landing Shortly
[09:47] - Spoilers OFF 3228ft, hdg 123 and 183kts
[09:47] - Spoilers ON 3199ft, hdg 172 and 170kts
[09:47] - Spoilers OFF 3399ft, hdg 163 and 168kts
[09:48] - Flaps to position 3 at 3967ft and 174kts
[09:48] - Spoilers ON 3271ft, hdg 161 and 176kts
[09:49] - Simulator Paused
[09:49] - Simulator Un-Paused
[09:49] - Gear down at 2599AGL
[09:49] - Spoilers OFF 2553ft, hdg 161 and 157kts
[09:49] - Flaps to position 4 at 2592ft and 158kts
[09:50] - Flaps to position 5 at 2152ft and 143kts
[09:50] - Flaps to position 6 at 1975ft and 142kts
[09:51] - Simulator Paused
[09:51] - Simulator Un-Paused
[09:52] - Spoilers ON 354ft, hdg 158 and 156kts
[09:52] - Spoilers OFF 338ft, hdg 160 and 157kts
[09:52] - Spoilers ON 305ft, hdg 160 and 159kts
[09:52] - Spoilers OFF 299ft, hdg 159 and 157kts
[09:52] - Spoilers ON 151ft, hdg 160 and 159kts
[09:52] - Spoilers OFF 141ft, hdg 159 and 159kts
[09:53] - Spoilers ON 95ft, hdg 160 and 153kts
[09:53] - Spoilers OFF 95ft, hdg 160 and 153kts
[09:53] - Spoilers ON 92ft, hdg 160 and 153kts
[09:53] - Spoilers OFF 85ft, hdg 160 and 151kts
[09:53] - Spoilers ON 76ft, hdg 161 and 150kts
[09:53] - Spoilers OFF 66ft, hdg 159 and 148kts
[09:53] - Simulator Paused
[09:53] - Simulator Un-Paused
[09:53] - Landed at 130 kias, at -167fpm. With 11205kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 0deg.
[09:53] - Wind Heading 80 | Wind Speed 6kts | Temperature 8 deg C
[09:53] - Spoilers ON 13ft, hdg 160 and 129kts
[09:54] - Taxiing to Gate
[09:54] - Spoilers OFF 13ft, hdg 130 and 16kts
[09:54] - Flaps to position 5
[09:54] - Flaps to position 4
[09:54] - Flaps to position 3
[09:54] - Flaps to position 2
[09:54] - Flaps to position 1
[09:54] - Flaps to position 0
[09:57] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:57] - Arrived safely at LIRF. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[09:58] - Simulator Paused
[09:58] - Simulator Un-Paused
[10:01] - PMDG 777-243LR Alitalia (Fictional)
[10:01] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[10:01] - ver


Commenter Comment
Andrea Bullita Ciao Michele, che scenario FCO usi? Immagino che le pause siano dettate da questo.
Michele De Ponte Ciao Andrea! uso Mega Airport Rome dell'aerosoft, è quello nuovo. l'ho preso da poco. Quindi da problemi con l'alitrak generando pause?
Andrea Bullita Avevo immaginato, abbiamo già notato questo problemino con lo scenario Aerosoft, per cui volevo solo una conferma ;) A presto, Andrea.
Route Map