Flight AZ2039


  • Submitted By: Alessandro Milesi
  • Departure Airport: Milano / Linate (LIML)
  • Arrival Airport: Leonardo da Vinci (LIRF)
  • Aircraft: A319-112 (EI-IMB)
  • Flight Time: 01.14.35
  • Date Submitted: 29/09/2017
  • Route: N0430F330 EKPAL DCT TINKU Q705 XIBIL
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(137 load / € 280.00 per unit
€ 38,360.00
Fuel Cost:
(16450 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 18,095.00
Flight Details


  • Log Data: -
  • Network: -
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[10:19] - Airbus A319 Alitalia EI-IMM
[10:19] - Flight AZ2039 is ready to depart LIML with a final destination of LIRF.
[10:19] - Parking Brake Applied
[10:19] - Boarding
[10:32] - Parking Brake Released
[10:34] - Parking Brake Applied
[10:34] - Flaps to position 2
[10:34] - Flaps to position 3
[10:35] - Parking Brake Released
[10:36] - Taxiing to Runway
[10:41] - Taking Off with 137 passengers on board
[10:42] - Take off at 145kts, with a pitch of 8deg and 4819kgs of fuel on board
[10:42] - Wind Heading 98 | Wind Speed 3kts | Temperature 17 deg C
[10:42] - Climbing to TOC
[10:42] - Gear up at 1040AGL
[10:42] - Flaps to position 2 at 2339ft and 147kts
[10:43] - Flaps to position 1 at 4052ft and 205kts
[10:43] - Flaps to position 0 at 4055ft and 206kts
[10:58] - TOC reached
[10:58] - Cruise started
[11:05] - TOD reached
[11:05] - Descending to destination
[11:15] - Spoilers ON 14991ft, hdg 172 and 278kts
[11:16] - Spoilers OFF 13882ft, hdg 135 and 254kts
[11:17] - Spoilers ON 8793ft, hdg 115 and 262kts
[11:19] - Spoilers OFF 5774ft, hdg 116 and 228kts
[11:19] - Landing Shortly
[11:21] - Flaps to position 1 at 2520ft and 219kts
[11:23] - Flaps to position 3 at 2493ft and 194kts
[11:23] - Gear down at 2037AGL
[11:23] - Gear up at 2034AGL
[11:23] - Gear down at 1965AGL
[11:23] - Gear up at 1922AGL
[11:23] - Gear down at 1909AGL
[11:23] - Gear up at 1887AGL
[11:23] - Gear down at 1877AGL
[11:24] - Flaps to position 4 at 1719ft and 171kts
[11:24] - Flaps to position 5 at 1427ft and 150kts
[11:26] - Landed at 125 kias, at -185fpm. With 2697kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 5deg.
[11:26] - Wind Heading 58 | Wind Speed 7kts | Temperature 19 deg C
[11:26] - Spoilers ON 17ft, hdg 161 and 125kts
[11:27] - Flaps to position 4
[11:27] - Flaps to position 3
[11:27] - Flaps to position 2
[11:27] - Flaps to position 0
[11:28] - Spoilers OFF 13ft, hdg 187 and 26kts
[11:30] - Taxiing to Gate
[11:33] - Parking Brake Applied
[11:33] - Arrived safely at LIRF. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[11:35] - Airbus A319 Alitalia EI-IMM
[11:35] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[11:35] - ver


Commenter Comment
Andrea Bullita Rotta non corretta. Non è ammesso volare EKPAL DCT TINKU e poi... aerovie low a FL330?
Alessandro Milesi Ciao Andrea, controlla meglio , il piano di volo è valido in quanto preso dal flp del volo vero az in quanto ci lavoro in Alitalia e ho accesso ai piani di volo veri. È addirittura la azlinfco1 come company ruote. Ho pure verificato con Pfpx di aerosoft e ha passato la validità IFPS. Se vuoi in privato ti giro piano di volo originale così puoi controllare se dico cavolate,fammi sapere. Mi sembra che non ci siano più low e high in Italia. Sotto fl 335 devi usare le aerovie che non sono più U Mentre sopra i dct Ciao
Alessandro Milesi È stato approvato pure da EuroFPL anche se a livello 330
Andrea Bullita Ciao Alessandro, innanzitutto ti ringrazio per aver risposto al commento. Non metto in dubbio quanto dici, ma attualmente sottoponendo la tua rotta al validatore IFPS ottengo questo: ROUTE165: THE DCT SEGMENT EKPAL..TINKU (46 NM) IS TOO LONG FOR LIDCT:000:335. MAXIMUM IS 0 NM [LI1D]. Per quanto riguarda le High e le Low ho commesso una leggerezza io visionando le carte quando ho verificato con più attenzione il piano. Infatti il validatore non restituisce errori sulla Q705. Ti invito comunque a rispondere via email ai commenti, perchè in questo modo a me non arrivano le notifiche e risulta molto difficoltoso tenere sotto controllo i pirep già validati. La mia email è andrea.bullita@alitaliavirtual.com Ciao, a Presto.
Route Map