Flight AZ1291


  • Submitted By: Luca Scognamiglio
  • Departure Airport: Milano / Linate (LIML)
  • Arrival Airport: Napoli / Capodichino (LIRN)
  • Aircraft: A319-112 (EI-IMB)
  • Flight Time: 01.25.13
  • Date Submitted: 21/09/2020
  • Route: EKPAL M727 AMTEL L995 TEA
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(131 load / € 280.00 per unit
€ 36,680.00
Fuel Cost:
(3214.16 fuel used @ 1.1 / unit)
€ 3,535.58
Flight Details


  • Log Data: -
  • Network: -
Additional Log Information:


View Log

[09:33] - Airbus A319 Alitalia EI-IMD
[09:33] - Flight AZ1291 is ready to depart LIML with a final destination of LIRN.
[09:33] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:34] - Boarding
[09:46] - Parking Brake Released
[09:46] - Pushing Back from the gate
[09:47] - Parking Brake Applied
[09:50] - Flaps to position 2
[09:50] - Parking Brake Released
[09:51] - Taxiing to Runway
[09:56] - Taking Off with 131 passengers on board
[09:56] - Take off at 139kts, with a pitch of 12deg and 7264kgs of fuel on board
[09:56] - Wind Heading 262 | Wind Speed 2kts | Temperature 20 deg C
[09:57] - Climbing to TOC
[09:57] - Gear up at 853AGL
[09:57] - Flaps to position 0 at 2470ft and 199kts
[10:11] - TOC reached
[10:11] - Cruise started
[10:40] - TOD reached
[10:40] - Descending to destination
[10:51] - Landing Shortly
[10:52] - Flaps to position 1 at 5364ft and 220kts
[10:53] - Spoilers ON 4718ft, hdg 57 and 188kts
[10:53] - Spoilers OFF 4619ft, hdg 54 and 186kts
[10:55] - Flaps to position 3 at 2238ft and 192kts
[10:55] - Gear down at 1893AGL
[10:56] - Flaps to position 4 at 1864ft and 182kts
[10:56] - Flaps to position 5 at 1736ft and 176kts
[10:57] - Landed at 116 kias, at -328fpm. With 4317kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 9deg.
[10:57] - Wind Heading 154 | Wind Speed 3kts | Temperature 25 deg C
[10:57] - Spoilers ON 16ft, hdg 56 and 116kts
[10:58] - Taxiing to Gate
[10:58] - Flaps to position 0
[10:58] - Spoilers OFF 16ft, hdg 340 and 10kts
[10:58] - Parking Brake Applied
[10:58] - Arrived safely at LIRN. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[10:59] - Airbus A319 Alitalia EI-IMD
[10:59] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[10:59] - ver


Commenter Comment
Giulio Cataldo Ciao Luca occorre che nella rotta tu mi inserisca anche la velocita e il livello di volo come da regolamento al punto 23: 23: ...è obbligatorio inserire nello spazio riservato al piano di volo Il livello di volo e la velocita eseguito/a es: N0420F350 NEMBO Ti prego di rispettare questa regola altrimenti saro' costretto a rigettare i prossimi voli. ciao
Luca Scognamiglio Mi rigettate questo pirep grazie
Giulio Cataldo Ciao Luca, non è da rigettare questo pirep, mi serviva solo che ti allineassi con il regolamento ;) adesso vai alla grande.
Route Map